About me

My name’s Matt.

I’m 24. I’m a journalist. I live in the great city of Toronto, Ontario.

And I have no clue what I’m doing when it comes to money.

At 22, I ventured out on my own for the first time, leaving the comfortable (and cheap) confines of my parents suburban home to chase my dream of living and working in a city I truly adore. After quitting a job, planting a bunch of cash into a savings account and moving into a beautiful apartment with a friend.  Jobless for almost four months, my savings disappeared. Unemployment was on the horizon, and although this was an exciting time in my life, it was not going as planned.

Things eventually panned out, but I wouldn’t suggest this route for everyone.

It did, however, teach me the value of a dollar.

Nowadays, with a steady, comfortable income, a job that takes up far too much of my time, and financially frivolous friends, I’ve decided to explore ways young people can get the most value out of their finances, as little or as significant as they may be.

Please don’t hesitate to make comments, make suggestions and share your personal finance adventure here. If you’d like to write something and get your voice heard, reach out. Contact me at: mb.powell01@gmail.com

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